Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm back in the saddle again! (Drawing 52 & 53)

Marriage = over! Well, not saying it was canceled or I was snubbed at the alter, the wedding has come and gone, and was beautiful. I am now signing my art as "Alia Hoffman."

Now that I have accomplished this:

It's time to get drawing again.

Here's a few that I've finished so far:
for Pigeon Toe Ceramics.

Part of a series.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Drawing at a standstill

Dear small group of followers and those who are waiting for a drawing from me,
I'm terribly sorry that I've been absolutely stagnant with drawing progress. My wedding is almost a month away and it's literally taking all of my free time. In order to have an awesome wedding, we decided to make most of the favors/decorations/etc., and that takes much work. Thankfully it's all going well.
I also ran out of paper, and for some reason, I haven't made it to the art store to pick more up.

I promise that after September, I will be in full swing again and will not let anyone down.

Thanks for being so patient!
Yours Truly,

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 50 & 51

Dogs. I'm not sure I'll ever get sick of drawing them.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 48 & 49

Another nest, this time with specifically requested eggs and feather.
Instead of tearing out a page in my sketch book, I drew another. Here's how it turned out.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 46 & 47

More nest and more commissions. Trying my best to keep on truckin'.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 44

This drawing is for a friend of mine. Photoshoped the details of her baby shower onto it, and it make a great invitation. (ahem, if I do say so myself)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 43

My brother turned 21! I used the opportunity to experiment with color. I haven't used color (gouache in this case) since my college days. I was very pleased with the results.
Also, I hope my brother had an excellent Birthday and got completely wasted, or at least got to see some some naked ladies.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 42 (and, insert Day 25)

I can't wait until I get married, for a variety of obvious reasons, but what I'm really excited about is being done with all the planning. Wedding planning has taken so much of my time, that I barely find time to draw. But, with so many requests on my list, I still have draw. I apologize to everyone who is waiting ever so patiently. I promise, I haven't forgotten about you. The above flower is what will be on our wedding invitations. We're letter pressing them ourselves!

Did anyone notice in the past that I skipped Day 25? If you did, you were right, and it was on purpose. This drawing was for someone's birthday, and she wasn't allowed to see it, as it was a surprise. Now that her birthday has come and gone, I can now show it off. This drawing is one of my favorites.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 41

Hello! I'm a pit bull, and my lady friend is going to be so surprised when she gets a drawing of me. Don't hate us pit bulls, we're really just gentle giants with a bad rap.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 40

I'm not the biggest fan of doing portraits, just because it's hard to draw likeness. However, I'll just have to keep practicing.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 38 & 39

I know, I know, an other nest, but... but... look how nice it looks with these two cute little birds! Plus, I love drawing nests, will happily make hundreds, and love how each one is slightly different from the last (i.e. different location on the page, slightly different shape).

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 37

My drawing progress has been slow lately, partially because of our recent vacation and also because I've been sick the past few days! Guh! I rarely get sick, and when I do I act like a giant baby. This drawing commission somehow pulled itself out of the fog of my illness.

Day 36

Jason, my boyfriend/fiance, just had his 35th birthday. We celebrated by going to the coast for a few days with some friends. I drew this in the back seat on the way there. The tradition I've started several years ago was to make a different bird each year for his B-day, all of them say, "Happy Jason Day."

And, speaking of Jason, he also has a drawing blog where he also sells $10 drawings. Portraits are his specialty.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 34 & 35

Recognize this image? Originally I designed my daughters birthday party invites, and it caught the attention of an other mother. If any other mom would like one personalized for their little one, I'll be happy to make more.

This drawing is for the same above mentioned mother and her bunny loving daughter.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 33

This one is titled "Gimme your lunch money" and is a commission.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 32

A drawing I'd probably never think to draw, but was suggest by my Grandma. This is for her dance studio's logo.

Day 31

This little guy was drawn for a friend who lives afar and has been sad lately. I hope this cheers her up, and she doesn't see this post because it's a surprise!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 30

K-9 commission! This guy was so much fun to draw. Those saggy eyes and that shiny black coat...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 26 & 27

Ok, admittedly, I've been busy lately, and less so with drawing productivity and more so with gardening. I can't help it. We've started a bunch of seeds weeks ago and now they want to live in the great outdoors. So we've been busy building raised beds, turning sod, and moving around compost. Now that the weather has finally defeated me and my drawing list is growing fast, I'll be posting more drawings. Here's one I did for my daughter's birthday party invites, and one commission that is about to be sent out.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 24

Rat picnic - sold

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 23

Requested Nest, this time in ink on watercolor paper.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 22

My first commission!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 18 (oops!)

Elizabeth as pullet.
*note* This drawing is (obviously) from my sketchbook, and wouldn't look that great cut out and sent as a drawing. Why I didn't think of this in the beginning is a mystery. So, every drawing up until this one is from my sketch book. I'll happily draw a new one if you so desire. I can also do my best with an exacto knife to remove the drawing and send it your way.

Day 21

Some days it's hard to think of things to draw.

Day 20


Day 19

This will do.

Day 17

Honey bee.

Day 16

Tooth romance.

Day 15

Former housemate.

Day 14

Catching up.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 13

Day 12

So much better in ink.

Day 11

Secretary bird.

Day 10

Sparrows never get old

Day 9

Day 8

Day 7

My daughter loves to sing "llama llama duck" a song semi borrowed from the youtube and semi toddler adapted.

Day 6

Image search for "sugar skull tattoo"

Day 5

Spotted owl. Endangered.

Day 4
